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Quotes about a good day | Quotes on a good day

Quotes about a good day

Quotes about a good day: Every day has new challenges, objectives, and expectations. Every day brings with it a new set of expectations for every one of us. By default, starting the day with a smile on our face and a pleasant attitude toward everyone will improve our day. Good Day Messages contain encouragement and best wishes for the remainder of the day.

Read also:- Beautiful Quotes For Life | Short Inspiring Quotes About Life

1. One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day. — Stephanie Simpson

2. I wake up every day and I think, ‘I’m breathing! It’s a good day. Eve Ensler

3. Every day is a great opportunity to learn something new and unique. Have a good day. Unknown

4. I have a theory that you can decide to make whatever day it is a good day. — Ryan Tedder

5. A day is a day. It’s just a measurement of time. Whether it’s a good day or a bad day is up to you. It’s all a matter of perception. Donald L. Hicks

6. Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failures of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts and expectations.   Catherine Pulsifer

7. On a good day I think I’m handsome, on an average day I’m average. I’m a man’s man so I don’t necessarily know how cute we’re supposed to be. CeeLo Green

8. Every day is a good day. There is something to learn, care and celebrate. Amit Ray

9. Every day is a good day to be alive, whether the sun’s shining or not. Marty Robbins

10. When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. Marcus Aurelius

11. To bring good days it is necessary to fight through difficult days. ― Dax Bamania

12. I can see a version of my life where it all becomes meaningless. On a good day, writing seems noble. Other times, it’s narcissistic and pointless. Hari Kunzru

13. Don’t ruin a good day today by thinking about a bad day yesterday. Let it go! Unknown

14. Every day is a good day to examine our prime-time priorities. — William Arthur Ward

15. There is no good day or bad day, only good or bad actions. ― Amit Kalantri

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Author (लेखक)

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